Potential different Sylvia Plath poems

Could i refer to Lady Lazaras as this shows she believes in Christianity. She express her desire of God to bring her father back from the dead as Lazarus in the bible and i believe she has labeled her self as Lady Lazarus as she was kind of brought back from the dead , she is referring to her suicide attempt…..

‘The Dead’.  I believe she wrote this to try and deal with death and think of how it work. It could be about how dead people feel such as her father. It talks about doomsday and angels. This refers to some people believe there would be a day of judgement- people who are good will go to heaven and the bad ones will go to hell and suffer. She then says ‘Nor can God’s stern, shocked angels cry them up From their fond, final, infamous decay.’ which i believe means that they will be left forgotten and unable to come back.

Is ‘I am Vertical’ good as it express her views of wanting nature attributes. This links to views of women as mother nature- this shows the attributes of women and those attributes represent nature. Nature can be harsh sometimes and brutal. But has it nice sides of caring and beauty flowers. Nature seems to want to have a voice just like the women of those times…..

‘Death & Co.’ uses strong language and i believe refers to her husband.

‘The Death of Myth-Making’ uses strong violent and expressive words and objects.






5 responses to “Potential different Sylvia Plath poems”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    Yes, Ibukun, you may refer to any poem that you feel suits your point.

    I’m very excited about reading your essay as it sounds like it’s going to be very original and I’ll probably learn something.

    Please make sure you plan a careful structure for all your ideas, as this is where you could fall down – on being too unstructured, or on missing one of the key criteria.


  2. ibz7 Avatar

    Would i be able to have these poems in the Controlled Assessment?

  3. ibz7 Avatar

    would i be able to put the poems on the blog and access them at school?

  4. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    You’ll need to print them before you start. But feel free to print them from your blog tomorrow!

